Dezember 14, 2010

july 2008, pt.2

One week of normality goes by. Jakob is at home, I am sitting at work when suddenly some text messages from his "ex" wife tick in  with the urgent request to read her messages which she has sent me on myspace. And what I read shocks me. Please read:

---------------- Original Nachricht -----------------
Von: ..(...)..
Datum: 30 Jul 2008, 10:16
You clearly dont know who you are dealing with when it comes to jakob. he use people and he always has.

ask him why he only packed up a few things and ran away when i was asleep.....

I got mails from his gmail account too if you want them, and i got more on myspace to show you. he lies so much that you can't even begin to imagine.

But in all of this he need to go to the hospital to get a scanning for (...) as his doctor made in the plan for him. He is also in lack of other medicins.

----------------- Original Nachricht -----------------
Von: ..(...)..
Datum: 30 Jul 2008, 10:40

Oh no did he realy tell you that, well it's him who is treating me so badly over the years. Always lying to me.

He stole my money and he has been living here with me for the past 7 month and did not do anything to get some money on his own. I was working alot to support us both.

He could have taken all his clothes with him, but he dont own anything. It's in a bag here.

The last mail from him was about a deal we have that he should find money within one week to pay my mother back her money that he stole from her.

Why he left is because i was on to his lies once again and he get scared and runs away like he has done so many times before. Must of the times the police has been envolved.

He will twist and turn everything and he did the exact same thing to his ex. girlfriend (...) who is much older then he is. They got a daughter that he he just left, without a reason. I spoke with her severel times in the past. i was the one sending his daughter gifts for birthday and christmas jakob did not seem to care. as he did not have a job than as he dont do now. he has only been working for a few month in all the time i have known him.

he never finished any school, yet he has a need to give that inpression that is is interlectual. he got a very low self a steam.

I am sure that he is often going for a work and is sweating. that is because he has anxiath and needs his medicin (...).

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ..(...)..
Date: Jul 30, 2008 11:13 PM

here is jakob ex. she can confirm that his daughter is still alive. Both home number and mobile. I think you could call her mobile number right now.

(...) (...)
Mobil: 0045 (...)
Tlf.: 0045 (...)

yes i will

Well he is telling me that he will delete is myspace account and i am sure he will try to convince you to do the same.

----------------- Original Nachricht -----------------
Von: ..(...)..
Datum: 30 Jul 2008, 11:59

I have not opened any mail from you or (...).
I dont have the energy to do that.
I miss you like hell and i dont know how things developed as they did.
I think that we started to live as we did. That is my fault and i know that.

I am thinking about you, (...). Do you thinkk that we ever meet again.
I really wish so much that we did...and that is soon

---------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ..Michel..
Date: 28 Jul 2008, 10:26

jeg har ikke äbnet nogle mails fra hverken dig eller hende (...).
jeg har ikke overskud til det.
jeg savner dig af helvede til og jeg aner ikke hvorfor tingene udviklede sig som de gjorde.
jeg tror vi begyndte at leve pä samme mäde som för. det er min skyld, det ved jeg godt.
jeg tänker pä dig, (...). tror du nogensinde vi vil ses igen.
jeg vil säädan önske vi gör...og gerne snart

30 Jul 2008, 12:46
RE: No Subject
well it's very bad to enter a relationship based on lies like he told you, but he did the same to me. i know how is is. and many others do the same.

I truely feel sorry for all the mess he did and is doing.

I dont want to tell you wwhat to do. But i intent to listen to all the people around me. they all tell me that it would never get better with jakob, never.

(...)After a while together with him, i keept all the papers that envolved him and i went to the police many time to report him missing. i now got that to prove that it isn't me that there is something wrong with.

I am not ashamed that i have been living with him for so long anymore. Why should i be ashamed of just being a kind person.

But i wish he did what he told me he would do so i could find more peace after what he did to me. that i have to realise that i'm never going to get from him.

I can tell you so many storry's about him and everybody i know that know him can do the same even his own family. Dont it tell you alot that they dont want to see him anymore because of the way he is living and what he did to his daughter his ex and to me. (...)

Well, i am sorry that you are now paying for his expencise.

You started the same way as i meet him, dont be a fool.

Jakob just called me back and said that we had to meet. i asked where and he said (...). well, i dont know why or what to do or think.

Well, he said that he would go for a walk, as he always does when he is in trouble.

the night before he left, he told me that he loved me and that he had made more space in the closet for his clothes. Well as my mother said after he had lived with her for 1 and half a years, that in the end she would just think oh well, hmm when he told her something.

Listen to your heart. If you feel there is something wrong there is. And i tell you again, you can't begin to imagine what you got yourself into. just look at his myspace that alone tells you alot. He is stiing there like nothing happend and he even requested one of my very best girl friends.

Well Jakob daughter did not die and it's the most cruel lie he has ever told. I can hardly believe it. That he would sink so low.

I dont find words

In this mail from his gmail he wrote....

Sorry for my late answer, but it is not easy to get to a pc or phone.
I have looked at your site (on myspace) but i could not make my self open your blogs...I am affraid that i will break down.
I dont know what is going to happen in the near future..But i do know that i am going to call you and get sourt out this mess.
But i am affraid of calling you, but i j..know i have to.
then something about (...).
I miss you. i miss quietness, i miss alot of things. Most of all that i stop hurting other people and myself

Re: hvorfor skal jeg altid forsvare dig ?Hvorfor skal jeg altid være den som sitter igen.?
From: Jakob Maltese (...)
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 5:47:56 PM
To: (...)
undskyld det sene svar. det er ikke nemt at komme til en pc eller for den sags skyld en telefon.
jeg har set din side, men jeg kunne ikke klare at äbne dine blogs...jeg er bange for at detvil fä mig til at knäkke sammen.
jeg ved ikke hvad der skal ske i den närmeste tid....jeg ved bare at jeg kommer til at ringe dig og fä en ordning pä dette her. Jeg er bange for aqt ringe dig men jeg ved at jeg bliver nöd til det.
jeg ved ikke hvad (...) har sagt til dig, jeg har ikke äbnet mine mails fra hende i lang tid...ligesom jeg ikke har läst alle dine mails igennem...igen: angst for hvad der stär.
jeg savner dig. jeg savner ro. jeg savner sä mange ting. Mest at jeg stopper med at säre andre og migselv.

----------------- Original Nachricht -----------------
Von: ..(...)..
Datum: 30 Jul 2008, 13:33

The job he was refering to is a job he had in from the end of 2000 to the very beging of 2001, since then he has not been working.
before my time with him i dont know how long he could keep a job, i never saw any papers. He dont even have a school paper.

His Ex through him out and put his few belongings in a container whitch he never care to get. He dont own much. He never cared for that as he was always on the run. I guess. He has been living on a lie all his life, he use people always has and he will never change. To lie is what he does best.

----------------- Original Nachricht -----------------
Von: ..(...)..
Datum: 30 Jul 2008, 14:02

what the fuck are you talking about, that is all lies.
i am so shock.
I know why he is and he will alway be on the run. I am tried of all his lies and i understand that you are in shock.
You dont clearly understand anything of all this.
okay i will find the phone number to the hospital that he worked in 7 years ago

----------------- Original Nachricht -----------------
Von: ..(...)..
Datum: 30 Jul 2008, 14:11

Oh and i do hope he well get the money that he stole from my mother.
I would say that you got a solid ground to start on you and jakob.

best wishes

----------------- Original Nachricht -----------------
Von: ..(...)..
Datum: 30 Jul 2008, 14:18

Isn't is strange that every body is talking about all his lies.

Please get out of it, it's not because i want him back in any way. Dont wast your life on him.

and who are you to jugde me. i will file for a divorce but i will also talk a lawyer about his abuse against me and the money he stole from me.

----------------- Original Nachricht -----------------
Von: ..(...)..
Datum: 30 Jul 2008, 14:41

but i am talking about how he is in real life. The only thing he does best is to lie.
How can you live with someone who lies about his own daughter being died.
Well you dont know me either. I do wish you the best, but you dont get it with jakob, i am so sorry.
And further more, if i should be rude to you. You are on myspace and you found him. well.
he will not get any work, and i dont know where he will get the money from.
It is 10 years ago they broke up. They lived together when i meet him.
the job he had at the hospital, he was fired or they said that they did not need him. I dont know what's the truth about that.
I did not know that he had stoped working there, until 2 month later and then he had told my mother a storry and she lented him money so i would not find out that he had stoped working.
But every day he would lieve for work, but instead he went to my mothers boyfriend who live in (...).

Maybe is isn't home when you come home.
Well he will just tell you other lies and nothing good will come out of it. He is wast of time and you should not do as i did. i gave him 10 years and all he did was give me alot of lies
did he really tell you that she died, he never told me. Whitch is a lie from his side.

But i well call his brother when he comes home from work tonight.

But why is he still getting child support bills from the gorvernment then ? i even think i got a bill in the house.

And why hasn't my mother told me anything about that and why wasn't he at the funeral. he has been living at her appartment for 1 and a half year, before i got him out of there the 23th of december he came back to me. Then he had finished his (...) treatment.

He went to denmark to get treatment for his (...) it was better that way.
he has been living with my mother because he got kicked out of his appartment in Århus because he did not pay the rent, then i felt sorry for him and asked my mother if he could stay there while he finished his treatment for (...).

In the other one he is concerned abut him self and what is going to happen to him. he know that he has lied to you.

I dont know anything precisely at the moment, (...).
Yes, i do know that what i did was wrong and i can understand that you despice me and that i really dont deserve anything else that despice from your side.
I hope we will meet soon and see if we can solve our problems.
i want to look for when and where we can meet and write back to you
that will proberbly be tomorrow.

jeg ved ikke noget konkret (...).
jo, jeg ved at jeg har handler uanständigt og at jeg
virkelig ikke fortjener andet end foragt fra din side.
jeg häber vi snart kan mödes og se om vi kan fä en god ordning pä alle vores problemer.
Jeg vil undersöge hvornär og hvordan vi kan mödes og skrive tilbage til dig.
det bliver sikkert i morgen.
hvordan gär det med hensyn til arbejde ?
Re: Du skulle læse mine blogs om dig og ja, de bliver flittigt læst. Og jeg ved af hvem.
From: Jakob Maltese 
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 7:58:14 AM
To: (...) 
Det er en god ordning. Og jeg vil gerne overholde den aftale vi finder frem til.
At du skriver blogs om mig....well, det er nok ikke lige det der fär de varmeste fölelser frem i mig. Men jeg er da glad for at du har den amerikanske veninde til at fortälle dig hvem der er pä min side. Nyd det mens du kan ffor jeg kan garantere dig at hun er EX ven af mig efter dette her.
Häber du nyder det gode vejr....

t was hard to leave jakob because he make you feel sorry for him.
Well so did i think that i did. Well i now that i never will see jakob again.
i feel sorry for you. truly i do. he will never do you any good.
But it's all up to you.
I guess that i hear from jakob tomorrow.
take care

I drive home right away and tell Jakob about the messages.

"I am going for a walk." he says. "I need fresh air." and he leaves.

I call the mother of Jakobs daughter while he is out for his walk and she confirms that Jakob is the father. She tells me that his daughter is very alive and sitting right next to her while we are talking on the phone. I am more than shocked and wait for Jakob to come back.

He doesn't but his "ex"wife calls me now and confirms that she is still married to him. We talk for about an hour. She is friendly and calm but the second Jakob opens the door she starts freakin through the phone and I am just gazing at Jakob while both are screaming now at each other over decibel limits. 

Today I know I should have listen. Today is what the past bears and the past is in every second. Now is the past too. Anyway, it was a hopeless desaster back then that time and truly a mess for all involved parties. Me & Jakob trying to build up something new and saving love. Past stings which can't be ignored either. So I do the wrong decision and listen to my manipulated heart. 
It was already too late for any other. Jakob had new lies ready for me and succeeded with his slick explanations.


He explains the death of his daughter with this new story:
One daughter become two. One daughter who "really" died. And one daughter who is alive but where he is not literally the father.
The daughter who died was a daughter he now had together with his spanish girlfriend back then. This daughter died after her birth and is burried in Spain. When I ask for the burial place he promises me to call the hospital in Spain and get the papers and information. Until today I have not received these promised papers nor information. Later I got the name from the spanish girlfriend which was also a lie as the name he told me was the name of a virtual affair he had on myspace with someone from Spain.
The daughter who lives is not really his daughter he says. It was a pregnancy with assitance and he is just the father in the papers. But not the sperm donor. As I found out this is legally not possible. He is the father of his daughter as the mother also said and confirmed.

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Every lie you can find an excuse for....
but for repuditate his own flesh and bone ???????

Come one – heres no exuse for and the very latest point to open your eyes !!!!!