This post recapitulates sociopathic characteristics.
- Jekyll & Hyde personality
- Always charming and beguilingly plausible, especially to those who are capable of
protecting or enhancing the sociopath’s position
- Excels at deception (this must never be underestimated, but always is)
- Excels at evasion of accountability
- Is extremely and successfully manipulative of people’s perceptions and emotions (eg guilt and anger)
- Silver-tongued, has an extreme verbal facility and can outwit anybody (including lawyers,police & therapists) in verbal conflict
- Is adept at offering weak and inadequate people the positions of power, control, security,influence or respect that they crave but who lack the necessary competencies to achieve -such people are unaware that their consequent dependence on the sociopath makes them permanent manipulatees, pawns and expendable agents of helping the sociopath with his/her harassment
- Identifies those essential to the sociopath’s survival and manipulates their perceptions of them by making them feel special and thus obligated to reciprocate with support and protection
- Manipulates others into making fools of themselves in situations where they cannot backdown or from which they cannot withdraw - these people become increasingly susceptible to further manipulation and are then trapped as pawns in the sociopath’s game
- Is likely to be surrounded by people who, having been subjected to control, manipulationand punishment by the sociopath, look wretched and who start to exhibit behavior best described as disordered, dysfunctional, sullen,aggressive,defensive,hostile,retaliatory,counterproductive or cult-like and for whom disbelief, disavowal and denial are instinctive responses
- Creates an environment where levels of denial are so great that those involved are obliviousof the foolishness and self-evident absurdity of their denials when presented with the facts,with the result that non-involved observers are led to question whether such levels of denial merit psychiatric intervention
- Is contemptuous of disrepute to their organization and of collateral damage and of thedestructive consequences for all direct and indirect parties
- Is always surrounded by and leaves behind a trail of dysfunctional organizations, destroyedbusinesses, ruined careers, stress breakdowns and unexplained suicides despite a trail of devastation to individuals, organizations, families and communities. The actions of asocialized psychopath may go undetected or unrecognized for years
- A history of conducting frivolous, vexatious and malicious legal actions, especially (but not exclusively) against anyone who can recognize the sociopath for what he is
- Only after the sociopath is exposed and relieved of position, or they move on, can the fulldepth of their destructive behavior be fathomed and the consequences calculated
- Is skilled at identifying, undermining, discrediting, neutralizing and destroying anyone whocan see through the sociopath’s mask of sanity at all times
- Restricts the actions and rights of others (especially those holding the sociopath
accountable) whilst aggressively protecting his or her right to do anything without beinghampered by social norms or legal requirements
- Pursues endless vindictive vendettas against anyone perceived as a threat or who attempts,knowingly or unknowingly, to identify or reveal or expose the sociopath, or who makes effortsto hold the sociopath accountable
- Is adept at appropriating rules, regulations, procedures and law to manipulate, control andpunish accusers regardless of relevance, logic, facts or consequences persists in andpursues vindictive vendettas using self-evidently false evidence or information, even afterthis is brought to the attention of the sociopath will often manipulate minor bullies of theWannabe type (who on their own might or would not merit the label ’serial bully’) into actingas agents of harassment and as unwitting or unwilling conductors/ proxies of vendettas
- Is adept at placing people in situations where the sociopath can tap into each person’sinstinctive urge to retaliate in order to use them as his or her instruments or agents ofharassment
- Gains gratification from provoking others into engaging in adversarial conflict
- Once conflict has been initiated, the sociopath gains increased gratification by exploitinghuman beings’ instinctive need to retaliate - this is achieved by encouraging and escalating peoples’ adversarial conflicts into mutually assured destruction, revels in thegratification gained from seeing or causing other people’s distress
- When faced with accountability or unwelcome attention which might lead to others
discerning the sociopath’s true nature, responds with repeated and escalating attempts tocontrol, manipulate and punish
- Is adept at reflecting all accusations and attempts at accountability back onto their accusers
- Is adept at creating conflict between those who would otherwise pool negative informationabout the sociopath (eg ‘keeping victims apart’ so there is comparison or sharing of activities or statements made by the sociopath)
- Has no limits on his or her vindictiveness
- The need to control, manipulate and punish develops into an obsession with many of thehallmarks of an addiction
- Is skilled at mimicry and can plausibly and spontaneously regurgitate all the latest emotionaljargon
- Exhibits minimal professional skill level and competency
- Exploits his or her intelligence to excel at talentless mediocrity
- Is always identifying the behaviors and strategies to which other people respond with the
desired effect
- Is able to anticipate and credibly say what people want to hear
- Is easily able to win people over before betraying them or deceiving them or ripping them off
- Easily manipulates and hypnotizes a vulnerable or emotionally needy person to be theirspokesperson or agent of aggression
- Exploits anyone who has a vulnerability
- Is pushy and extremely persuasive
- Is sexually inadequate and sexually abusive (and often sexually & porn addicted)
- Is likely to protect anyone accused of or suspected of sexually abusive activity, and willfrustrate or obstruct investigations into that person
- May be associating with, or actively involved in, sexually abusive activity
- Has no emotions, no emotional processing capability and no ability to understand other’semotions
- Is incapable of understanding, initiating or sustaining intimacy
- The male sociopath has often convinced a string of women to feel they are in love with himand despite being treated abominably they blindly continue to be loyal to him and ministerwillingly to his every demand
- May start projects or relationships with apparent enthusiasm and energy but quickly losesinterest
- Frequently takes unnecessary and uncalculated risks but takes no account of consequences
- Is reckless and untrustworthy with money
- Is likely to have committed or be committing criminal or near-criminal offenses, eg fraud,deception
- Is likely to have committed or be committing breaches of harassment and discrimination law,employment law, etc disregards rules, regulations, Health and Safety requirements,professional standards, codes of conduct and legal requirements, etc
- Cannot comprehend the deeper semantic meaning of language and is thus unable tounderstand or appreciate metaphor, hyperbole, irony, satire etc - while trumpeting they are“good at” same (these elicit either zero response or a hostile response)
- Likes, seeks, enjoys and relies on procedure, ritual and ritualistic practices through arrogantoverconfidence takes increasingly risky chances and eventually overplays their hand ormakes a mistake which leads to the sociopath revealing him or herself
- Exhibits parasitical behavior, takes everything and gives nothing grabs headline credit forminimal, flukey or other peoples’ success whilst surviving off the backs of manipulatees who are exclusively blamed for all failures
- Rarely blinks, may have stary scary eyes that cut right through you, or may avoid eye contactcompletely (the 'sociopathic stare' that many mistake for romantic intensity)
- Is callous, cold and calculating
- Is devious, clever and cunning
- Is ruthless in the extreme regards people as objects and playthings to be discarded whensurplus or inconvenient to requirements
- Displays zero empathy completely without conscience, remorse and guilt
- Malicious and evil
3 Kommentare:
Any word from Jakob lately? I remember talking to him a day before he deleted his Facebook. What a strange guy. He said he didn't remember why he had added me in the first place.
Oh yes, a lot. The communication lately will be an own interesting chapter. Thank you for your comment Will.
right, .... a lot !
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I was topically one of 5 or 6 and will complete this here in the fitting moment....
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